College Dance & Career Prep
Virtual Workshops

Don’t Leave Your Future to Chance

Start early. Demystify the process. Set yourself up for success.

Dance instructor talking to an audience.

Getting into your dream school and finding the dream job of your future can feel overwhelming. We are ready to help by breaking down the process into easy-to-understand, manageable steps. Get guidance and support from experts to help you kill that college or summer intensive audition, or prepare a stellar portfolio for your application. Our workshops will help you be properly prepared by demystifying a process that can be daunting. 


*Intermediate & Advanced Dancers from 5th to 12th grade, and their parents, are encouraged to enroll.

"Julie Friedrich is an absolute one-of-a-kind gem who has all of the information and patience you will need to navigate the college process. We had an amazing experience working with her and have been so lucky to have her as part of our college/dance journey."


– Noa Ehrlich (mother) and Georgia Ehrlich (student), Barnard College at Columbia University Class of 2027

An Overview of the Topics Covered During Our Workshops and College and Career Prep Consultations

Everything students and parents need in order to properly prepare for college, summer intensives, make good preparatory training and educational decisions, and better understand all of your options . We offer workshops throughout the year and provide guidance to parents and students during our programs like the Preprofessional Dancer Institute, as well as through our college and career prep individual consultations. While this is not a complete list, our college and career prep subject matter encompasses the following:

Making Good Choices for Your Training

Parents & Students

How to ensure you are making the right choices in the many years leading up to applying for college.



It's important to have advocates for you throughout your dance career. We'll show you how to cultivate mentors that will also become exceptional references.

What to Expect
at Auditions


Key things to consider in terms of what schools are looking for when reviewing candidates who audition.

How to Find Music for the Solo Piece

Parents & Students

Have you ever watched "American Idol?" As Simon used to say, song selection is everything.

Photo and Video Requirements

Parents & Students

Instagram photos won't cut it. You'll need a carefully curated portfolio of photos and videos if you want to make a good impression.

Prepare for

Parents & Students

Being well prepared can make all the difference, and the folks making the final decisions will take notice, too. Understand the process and win!

How to Prepare a
Strong Resume

Parents & Students

Stand out above the other applicants by putting together a stellar resume. Start building your resume now.

Decisions: Making the Best Choice

Parents & Students

When you have options, making a decision can be difficult. We'll provide some perspective on what to consider when making your final decision on your college dance program.


Parents & Students

If you can't afford the school of your dreams, apply anyway. There are all sorts of grants, scholarships and loans out there. We'll provide some insights on where to find them.

Understanding the Application Process

Parents & Students

Don't let your nerves get the best of you. We'll give you some insight on the application process so that you know what to expect, and how to prepare for the best outcomes.


Parents & Students

How to make the most of campus visits: what to look for, who to speak to when looking at different dance programs and their offerings.


Parents & Students

When it comes time to submit your application materials, there are some things that you will want to consider that will make all the difference.

Financial Aid


There are many options in terms of financing college. There are some options you may not be aware of, so your student can apply for the school based on their goals and not finances alone.


Julie Rose Friedrich (she/her)

Director for College and Career Programs
Francisco Gella Dance Works

Julie Rose Friedrich (she/her)

Associate Director for College and Career Programs 

Francisco Gella Dance Works

Ballet, Composition

Julie Friedrich’s created and led the college seminar program for over ten years at two premiere arts high schools in California; the Orange County School of the Arts, and the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. The overwhelming success of her efforts led Francisco Gella Dance Works to add the program to its roster of offerings in 2017. Under the mentorship and guidance of Julie, her students have gone on to study at such schools as USC Kaufman, Juilliard, Boston Conservatory, NYU Tisch, Laban School, and the University of Michigan. In 2013, President Obama and the White House named Julie one of the most influential art teachers in the country for her mentorship of young dancers and her work with numerous winners of the Young Arts Competition.

"Julie’s intimate and extensive knowledge of college programs and summer programs has been our compass and a critical asset to our daughter’s dance journey. Her personalized, one on one advice as well as her seminars and webinars are an unparalleled resource for us."

– Amber Partney (mother) and Camdon Partney (student), High School Junior

Our Students Have Gone on to Pursue Their Dreams…

…and have been accepted into educational institutions, including:

  • Juilliard
  • USC - Kaufman School
  • SUNY Purchase
  • Arts Umbrella
  • The Rambert School
  • Dominican University/LINES Ballet
  • University of Arizona
  • UCLA
  • Laban School
  • Fordham University/Ailey
  • University of Michigan
  • Marymount Manhattan
  • NYU Tisch
  • Yale University
  • Barnard College, Columbia University
  • Pace University
  • Cal State Long Beach
  • Cornish College
  • University of California-Irvine
  • Chapman University
  • Point Park University
  • Texas Christian University
  • Laban School
  • North Carolina School of the Arts
  • Cal Arts
  • Boston Conservatory at Berkelee
  • Rambert School
  • Florida State University
  • University of Washington
  • University of Utah
  • Johns Hopkins University - The Peabody School
  • Princeton University
  • Dean College
  • Indiana University
  • Southern Methodist University 

…and others have gone on to perform and train with professional companies, including:

  • Hubbard Street Dance
  • Nederlands Dans Theatre
  • Batsheva
  • Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company
  • Ballet du Grand Theatre de Geneve
  • Aspen Santa Fe Ballet
  • Charlotte Ballet
  • Richmond Ballet
  • Trisha Brown Dance
  • Arts Umbrella
  • American Dance Festival
  • Jacob’s Pillow
  • Springboard
  • Complexions Contemporary Ballet
  • Royal Ballet School
  • Alvin Ailey
  • Ballet Hispanico
  • Ballet BC
  • SALT Contemporary Dance

*We have also nurtured numerous winners of the Young Arts Award and Presidential Scholars over the years!

Joan Myers Brown Equity Dance Scholarship Fund

A limited amount of scholarships are available for especially deserving dancers. Scholarships will be allocated according to the combined consideration of both merit and financial need. Decisions on scholarships will be made a few weeks after each deadline. Since a  limited amount of scholarship awards will be offered, it is better to apply by the early deadline. Please click below to learn more about this opportunity and to apply.

Dance students taking notes in class.

Please note that this scholarship opportunity is only eligible for the workshops themselves and not the individual consultations.

Upcoming College and Career Prep Virtual Workshops

The Fall 2024: College Planning and Prep Workshops

Join us for 4 very timely and insightful conversations on topics highly relevant to you right now.

Workshop 1 – Dance in College and How To Afford It: What is it? What Does it Mean? Is it for Me? How Do I Pay for it?


Sunday, September 15th 2024
3-4:30pm Pacific/6-7:30pm Eastern

  • 45 minutes presentation
  • 45 minutes guided Q&A
  • Recommended for intermediate & advanced dancers from 5th to 12th grade, gap year students, and college students considering transfer.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their student.
  • Video recording will be available for two weeks after end of workshop to those who registered.

During this session, we will analyze your high school experience - dancing at your home studio, attending conventions, and participating in competitions. The dance experience takes a major shift when transitioning to college so bridging the gap between high school and college dance takes planning and guidance from someone who understands the difference. We will break this down.

  • Learn why dancing in college matters and take a dive into all of your collegiate options.
  • Prepare for the mental shifts that take place when transitioning into a college environment.
  • Understand what a collegiate curriculum looks like.
  • Discuss and Discover what college dance programs are looking for in a dancer.
  • Learn how to keep dance in your life throughout college, even if it’s not your major.
  • Financial Assistance: Financial aid information; Scholarship opportunities; How to pay for college; and how to find a school you can afford.

Workshop 2 – Making the Right Choice: How to Create Your List of Schools


Sunday, September 22, 2024
3-4:30pm Pacific/6-7:30pm Eastern

  • 45 minutes presentation
  • 45 minutes guided Q&A
  • Recommended for intermediate & advanced dancers from 5th to 12th grade, gap year students, and college students considering transfer.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their student.
  • Video recording will be available for two weeks after the end of the workshop to those who registered.

Starting your career preparation by dancing in college matters.

There is a school out there for you. It might not be a school that you have on your radar at this moment and could be one you aren’t even aware exists.There are many great schools, far more than the ones that are frequently mentioned as ‘the top 5’. During this session we will explore a wide variety of college programs. We’ll even go beyond the borders of the United States by looking at the top 25 dance programs around the world.

By the end of this session, you’ll know how to create a list of schools that’s right for you. These are the factors in creating your list that we will go into in detail:

  • The match between a program and your ultimate goal.
  • Looking at the course offerings.
  • BA vs BFA.
  • Geographical location.
  • Financial costs.
  • Faculty.
  • Repertory learned and performed.
  • Attend this webinar as a senior to see if you have the right schools on your list and if you want to make any last minute additions.

Workshop 3 – Creating Your Artistic Portfolio


Sunday, October 20, 2024
3-4:30pm Pacific/6-7:30pm Eastern

  • 45 minutes presentation
  • 45 minutes guided Q&A
  • Recommended for intermediate & advanced dancers from 5th to 12th grade, gap year students, and college students considering transfer.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their student.
  • Video recording will be available for two weeks after the end of the workshop to those who registered.

Your dance portfolio (application in dance) is a fully representative picture of who you are as an artist and human being.

Learn how to create one of the most important elements of your dance experience to date: the artistic portfolio. Learn why it’s so critical to the rest of your dance career.

Items of focus for this session:

  • Resume.
  • Letters of Recommendation.
  • Essay.
  • Pre-Screen Supplements.
  • Photographs.
  • Solo Piece.
  • As a senior use this webinar as a check in to ensure your portfolio was done correctly and that all of the elements are stellar.

Workshop 4 – Collegiate Alumni Panel: Tips from the Inside


Sunday, October 27, 2024
3-4:30pm Pacific/6-7:30pm Eastern

  • 90 minute facilitated panel discussion/Q&A
  • Recommended for Intermediate & Advanced Dancers from 5th to 12th grade, gap year students, and college students considering transfer.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their student.
  • Video recording will be available for two weeks after the end of the workshop to those who registered.

Collegiate alumni (and a few of their parents, too!) will share their experiences, advice and insights after having been through the application and audition process themselves. Our main focus during this session is how to find the right fit in a college program, and most importantly - a school that wants to invest in you as both a dancer and human.

We will also address the following factors that are vital to the search process:

  • How to find a school that appreciates what you have to offer as an artist and a unique individual.
  • How to approach the live auditions for college and intensives.
  • How to properly research colleges and dance programs.
  • What to look for in a campus visit.
  • What to do in your preparatory process.
  • How to use your dance skills when applying for schools as a non-dance major.
  • How to access financial aid.
  • How to have confidence in your final decision.
  • Tips on achieving your dreams.

Enroll in College & Career Prep Workshops

All Four Virtual Workshops Package


Individual Virtual Workshops


Individual Virtual Consultations

Unable to make it to any of our workshops or want to dive into your personal situation and goals more deeply? Book a phone consultation! Receive a 1-hour consulting session dedicated to just your students goals on a number of topics focused of college preparation for dancers.

Do you need more than just one-hour? You can purchase consultations in blocks.

College and Career Prep Enrollment Form

College Prep Workshops Cancellation/Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued for registered participants. A credit that can be used toward another workshop(s) or Francisco Gella Dance Works intensive will be issued if a cancellation is made up to 14 days prior to the start of the program.

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATION CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be issued for registered participants. However, you may use the payment made as a credit toward a rescheduled appointment if the change is made before the originally scheduled appointment or toward one of our College Prep Workshops. Appointments may be rescheduled if you contact the consultant more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. If you cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before it is to take place or are a no-show,, you will still be charged for that time.

Feel free to contact us in the chatbox below or email us if you have any questions.